
PN23300101 – Management and monitoring of the marine environment, part of the national strategy for highlighting regional and global climate change on the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea: a complex analysis based on the elaboration of geological, geophysical, geophysical, biological and geochemical maps, scale 1:50,000

Responsabil: Dr. Ing. Habil. Mihaela-Carmen Melinte, CSI
Beneficiar: Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării
Finanțator: Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării
Schema de finanțare: Programul Nucleu
Durata: 48 months
Data începerii: 01.01.2023
Data finalizării: 31.12.2026

PN23300101 – Management and monitoring of the marine environment, part of the national strategy for highlighting regional and global climate change on the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea: a complex analysis based on the elaboration of geological, geophysical, geophysical, biological and geochemical maps, scale 1:50,000


The proposed project has as main objectives the management and monitoring of the marine environment in the context of anthropogenic and climatic changes, the area of interest being the north of the Black Sea continental shelf near the maritime border with Ukraine. The northern extremity of the Romanian part of the Black Sea is economically and geo-strategically important, being also the least known area in the maritime area of Romania. The project will provide data of scientific and economic interest, for example – the existence of marine resources (including biological, sedimentological – sands, limestones at various depths), concentrations of heavy minerals, etc, data on existing pollution in the area, as well as genetic changes (based on DNA analysis of marine organisms) under anthropogenic and climatic pressure. Geophysical data will involve deciphering the marine substrate (geomorphology, bathymetry), but also possible buried metal objects, geomorphological changes. The backscattering geophysical method will be used for the first time in Romania (as the main indicator of the physical variability of the upper marine sediments), and the geochemical characteristics of superficial sediments (content in organic matter, calcium carbonate, heavy metals, etc.), the diversity and abundance of benthic organisms will also be studied. The final goal of the project is the good management of the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea, meaning that oceanographic maps at 1:50 000 scale will be made – digital maps with many levels of information (layers in format Geographic Information System – GIS). These products represent the cornerstones for the spatial planning of the Romanian Black Sea shelf. Considering that the current Core Project (Program NUCLEU) will last more than 4 years, and the investigated area will be the northern one, the monitoring will also be carried out geo-ecologically. Innovative techniques and methodologies will be used. Finally, a database will be created for the northern part of the Black Sea continental shelf.

  • Development of oceanographic maps at 1:50,000 scale in the northern part of the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea. The final maps (products of this project) will be digitally made and will contain geological, geophysical, geo-ecological, chemical and biological information in the selected perimeters. Geological, sedimentological, seismo-acoustic, bathymetric and geo-ecological documentation will be developed in order to deepen the knowledge of sediment genesis processes of deep structures, polluted areas, etc.
  • Management of resources from the northern part of the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea, made through the analysis of the biotic and abiotic elements by highlighting the ecosystems-specific habitats and knowledge of the structure and functioning of characteristic ecosystems to ensure their exploitation, and by determining the conditions of protection of environmental factors, as well as the analysis of superficial sediment characteristics, their composition and quality for the inventory of abiotic resources.
  • Monitoring the northern part of the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea. During the 4 years of the project, the level of pollutants in the marine substrate and the water column (heavy metals, Hg, plastic objects), submerged metal objects/, and fluctuations in physic-chemical parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, greenhouse gases – fluctuations in sediments and water column) will be monitored.
  • Creating a database that allows correlation at the basin level. The database will facilitate both the interdisciplinary correlation of geophysical, geological, ecological, chemical, biological data, thus allowing the integrated approach of the targeted issue, as well as the correlation with similar data at the, regional and European basin level.


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