PN23300201 – Applied research in recent deltaic sedimentary structures to highlight/parameterize the accumulation of marine mineral/energy resources

Responsabil: | Dr. Ing. Gabriel Ion, CS I |
Coordonator: | GeoEcoMar |
Beneficiar: | GeoEcoMar |
Finanțator: | Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării |
Schema de finanțare: | Programul Nucleu |
Durata: | 48 months |
Data începerii: | 01.01.2023 |
Data finalizării: | 31.12.2026 |
PN23300201 – Applied research in recent deltaic sedimentary structures to highlight/parameterize the accumulation of marine mineral/energy resources
The project “Applied research in recent deltaic sedimentary structures to highlight/parametrize the accumulations of marine mineral/energy resources” aims to implement the latest technologies of in situ and laboratory investigation, as well as to process the obtained information for the investigation of the marine sediments, in order to develop and diversify the blue economy in Romania.
Until now, no such applied marine research had ever been conducted in Romania. In the European context of stimulating the development of blue economies (in close connection with the marine domain), it is desirable that Romania promote this type of applied research. Applied research through very high-resolution seismo-acoustic methods and geochemical methods is considered, aiming to identify and characterize the deltaic submarine sedimentary bodies, the areas where both mineral and non-conventional energy resources can accumulate. Compared to the classical seismic methods used (in industrial hydrocarbon prospecting), the vertical resolution envisaged is between 0.4 and 3m, compared to 10-15m in the case of classical methods. Considering the high-resolution capacity of the methods that will be used, we appreciate that recent sedimentary structures, of shallow depth and thickness, capable of hosting accumulations of mineral substances (heavy minerals-placers and/or unconventional biogenic methane) will be discovered.
- Identifying the the main paleo-watercourses, including the current Danube River, which had formed alluvial deposits and submarine deltas in the area of the NW shelf of the Black Sea, sedimentary bodies capable of hosting mineral substances accumulations, including biogenic methane, an unconventional energy resource (methane as a conventional energy source is thermogenic, being generated at great depths);
- Geometrical and sedimentological characterization of these submarine sedimentary bodies (extension and thickness of strata);
- Identifying and characterizing the areas with seismic anomalies specific to gas accumulations;
- Identifying the gas springs at the water/sediment interface, as a direct indicator of the existence of biogenic methane in recent, shallow sediments;
- Elemental and isotopic characterization of sediment gases (mainly gases dissolved in the interstitial water);
- Development of digital geological models of identified submarine deltas, which would eventually allow the continuation of exploration activities to quantify the biogenic methane reserves;
- Creation of maps and digital interpretive sections, GIS-type objects, digital atlases to characterize the concrete results obtained as completely as possible;
- Presenting the results of scientific research to the national and international scientific community through two workshops, presentations at international conferences and the publication of 2-3 scientific articles in ISI/BDI journals;
- Punctual cooperation with national and international partners with whom GeoEcoMar has had or is currently carrying out research projects in order to increase the efficiency of research and development of scientific research (developing complex geochemical analysis, equipment, etc.) and establish new research-innovation partnerships, including the design of new methods of investigation of the marine geological environment.