PN23300203 – Identification through Complex Investigations of potential locations for Offshore Green Energy production systems (wind and waves) – INEVO
Responsabil: | Ing. Vlad Mihail Rădulescu, CS III |
Coordonator: | GeoEcoMar |
Beneficiar: | GeoEcoMar |
Finanțator: | Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării |
Schema de finanțare: | Programul Nucleu |
Durata: | 48 months |
Data începerii: | 01.01.2023 |
Data finalizării: | 31.12.2026 |
PN23300203 – Identification through Complex Investigations of potential locations for Offshore Green Energy production systems (wind and waves) – INEVO
The project meets the current trend of developing blue economy technologies, in accordance with European Union directives regarding prioritizing the implementation of green energy production systems. The EU directives target reducing the overall dependence on conventional energies having a negative impact on ecosystem. In this respect, Black Sea Romanian coast presents a definite potential for both marine and wind dynamics, therefore pointing to major near future investments and development. Currently, there are no specific studies concerning the evaluation of favorable locations and availability for wind/wave farming, hence the novelty of the proposed project.
INEVO pursues to determine the areas of optimal potential as future locations for energy conversion systems from renewable energy sources. Based on geological, morphological, geophysical, oceanographic and climatic data, the project will deepen the already existing geological and morphological studies by collecting and including new data to validate the potential areas of interest. Planning and conducting new acquisitions of geophysical, geological, oceanographic and meteorological data will include the development of an innovative and integrative methodology with significant efficiency of operational costs, benefiting from the optimal use of the EMSO-EUXINUS infrastructure. The integrated data interpretations provided by the project, including geological and morphological thematic maps, as well as oceanographic models for the target areas, will constitute turnkey solutions for future investors.
- Carrying out specific evaluation studies for potential offshore renewable energy production sites using wave and wind dynamics at the Black Sea coast;
- Determining the geological and geotehnical parameters of the sea bed, the geological risk zones (tectonic accidents, gas accumulations under pressure, earthquake epicentres), as well as the bottom morphology to pinpoint the possible exclusion zones. The geo-tectonic variables of the target areas will be determined and evaluated, identifying the fissure/fracture systems, geologically active faults, as well as the local and regional seismicity parameters.
- Assessing winds, currents and waves dynamic parameters (volume, speed, direction) emphasizing on their energy potential for the areas of interest.