HR Excellence in Research
In September 2023, National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar submitted a letter of commitment to the European Commission regarding adherence to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The letter was accepted in January 2024, and the 2024RO143134 application was opened.
The National Institute for Research and Development in Marine Geology and Geoecology – GcoEcoMar has started the procedure to implement the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, in order to obtain the Diploma of Excellence in Human Resources for Research, by fully supporting the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
Carta Europeana a Cercetătorilor și Codul de conduită pentru recrutarea cercetătorilor (808.24 KB) |