
MARCO-BOLO: MARine COastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations

Responsabil: Dr. Mihaela Mureșan, CSII
Coordonator: GeoEcoMar
Beneficiar: GeoEcoMar
Finanțator: UEFISCDI
Schema de finanțare: PN-IV-P8-8.1-PRE-HE-ORG-2023-0108
Durata: 12 months
Data începerii: 12.01.2024
Data finalizării: 31.12.2024

MARCO-BOLO: MARine COastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations


The project aims to respond to modern challenges regarding the loss of biodiversity and habitats, by approaching molecular investigation of the Black Sea environment and its species. Sustain efforts towards harmonization of molecular techniques are made globally in order to halt the loss of biodiversity in agreement with the UE Biodiversity Strategy 2030 desiderates (“to put Europe’s biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030”) and The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/CE), which requires the achievement of Good Environmental Status of biodiversity and habitats. Barcoding and e-DNA techniques rely on genetic markers to identify species unlike the ”classical” approach based on morphological characters.

The main objective of the project is to assess the Black Sea biodiversity by introducing the molecular techniques as tools for rapid detection and identification of species, taking into account the risks posed by anthropogenic impact on the environment and climate changes.

Expected outcomes:

–  isolation of DNA genomic for specific markers analysis for different invertebrates, phytoplankton and fish

– genomic sequencing and uploading of new sequences in international genetic databases.

– creation of a digital library for the Black Sea species



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