
Dr. Ing. Gheorghe OAIE (♱), CS I

Până în iulie 2016 (♱) a fost director general al GeoEcoMar (din noiembrie 2008), director științific în perioada 2000 – 2008, președinte al Consiliului Științific.

A coordonat multiple programe naționale de cercetare, a fost responsabil de proiect pentru proiecte de cercetare interne și internaționale.

Lucrări publicate in extenso

  • Oaie Gh., 1986 Sedimentology of the pebbly red sandstones facies association within the Carapelit Formation, North Dobrogea. Rev. Roum. Geol., Geoph., Geogr. Ser. Geol., 30., 12 p. Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., 1992. Trace of organic activity in the Greenschist Series of Central Dobrogea. Rev. Roum. Geol., Geoph., Geogr. Ser. Geol., 37., 7 p., Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., 1994. Necesitatea protejării urmelor de activitate organică de vârsta Precambrian superior din cadrul Seriei şisturilor verzi din Dobrogea centrală. Ocrotirea Naturii şi Mediului Înconjurător, 37/2, 6 p., Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., 1998. Sedimentological significance of mudstone microclast intervals in Upper Proterozoic turbidites, Central Dobrogea (România). In Stow & Faugères(eds). Contourites, Turbidites and Process Interaction. Sedimentary Geology, v. 115, 1 – 4, p 289 – 301.
  • Oaie Gh., 2001 Structuri sedimentare biogene (trace fossils) în depozitele paleozoice ale Dobrogei de Nord. St. cerc. geol., T. 43 – 44 (1998 – 1999), 10 p. Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., Bondar C., Secrieru D., Seghedi A., Diaconescu M., Ioane D., Ruzsa Gy., 2007. Black Sea Basin: Assessment of Tsunami Marine Hazard. În “Excellence Research – A Way to ERA” (Eds. Lanyi S., Vasiliu N.), Ed. Tehnica (ISSN 1843-5904), AMCSIT Conference, CD –ROM – C. 161 pdf , 6 p., Braşov
  • Oaie Gh., Melinte M. C., Opreanu P., Seghedi A. 2008. Possible tsunami phenomena along the north-western Black Sea coast. EMMM 2008 – Fifth Int. Conf., p. 229 – 236, Chennay (India)
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., Shimkus K., 2005. Black Sea basin: sediment types and distribution, sedimentation processes. GEOECOMARINA, no. 9 – 10, p. 21 – 30. Bucureşti
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., Szobotka St., Fulga C., Stănică Ad., 2005. Danube river: sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the bottom sediments. GEOECOMARINA , 11 – 12, p. 77 – 85
  • Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., 1994. Sedimentology of the Devonian distal turbidites of Tulcea Unit, North Dobrogea. Analele Univ. Buc., XLIII, 22, 7 p., Bucureşti. Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., Rădan S., Vaida M., 2005. Sedimentology and source areas for the Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian turbidites from East Moesia. Geologica Belgica, 8/4, p. 78 – 105. Ghent (Belgium)
  • Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., Secrieru D., Avram C., Voicaru C. 2008. Succesiuni geologice costiere: observaţii geologice asupra unor posibile strate de tip tsunami. GEOECOMARINA 14, Supliment 1 – Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu (Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice a I.N.C.D. GEOECOMAR), pag. 167-172
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Craiu C., 1996 Environmental state of the River Danube in 1995 – Pollutants in bottom sediments. An.Inst. I.C.P.D.D., v. V, 12 p.,Tulcea.
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Rădan S., Rădan M., Rădan C.S., 1994. Monitoring geoecologic in cadrul macrosistemului Dunare – Marea Neagra prin metode geologice, geochimice si geofizice. Anale stiintifice, v.III/2, p. 335 – 346, Tulcea.
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Craiu C., Rădan M., Rădan S.C., Rădan S., 1995. Noi date obţinute prin metode geologice, geofizice şi geochimice integrate monitoringului geoecologic aplicat în sistemul Dunăre – Delta Dunării. Anale ştiinţifice ICPDD. vol. IV / 2, 12 p. Tulcea.
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka S., Stãnicã A., 1997 “Environmental state of the River Danube in 1995”, GEOECOMARINA, vol. 2, 14 p., Malnas.
  • Cavazza W. and TRANSMED Project Working Group (Oaie Gh., Dimitriu R.). 2004. The TRANSMED Atlas: geological-geophysical fabric of the Mediteranean region. Episodes, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 244 – 254.
  • Duliu O., Brustrur T., Szobotka St., Oaie Gh., Ricman C., Alexe V., Iovea M., Hodorogea S. 2008. Studiul interdisciplinar al ecosistemelor închise (lacuri alpine şi vulcanice) în vederea stabilirii nivelului de referinţă pentru aprecierea impactului factorului antropic: lacurile alpine din Masivul Făgăraş şi lacul Sf. Ana. GEOECOMARINA 14, Supliment 1 – Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu (Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice a I.N.C.D. GEOECOMAR), pag. 179 – 185.
  • Duliu O., Iovea M., Neagu M., Oaie Gh., 2006. An on-board dual-energy computer tomography for investigation of unconsolidated sediments and other geological samples. Sesiunea MENER 2006, CD, p. 1-8.
  • Gomoiu M.T., Secrieru D., Oaie Gh., Cristescu M., Nicolescu N., Marinescu V., 1999 Ecological state of the River Danube ecosystems in 1995. GEOECOMARINA, 3, p. 37 – 88. Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Ricman C., Mateiaşi G., Neagu M., Szobotka S., Duliu O.G., 2004. Dual energy X-ray computer axial tomography and digital radiography investigation of cores and other objects of geological interest. 32nd IGS, 14 p., Florence, Italy.
  • Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Duliu O.G., Bodale M., Mateiasi G. , Neagu M., 2005. Single and dual-energy X-ray computer tomography and digital radiography study of sedimentary cores. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal environment, MEDCOAST 05, p. 1337 – 1348, Kuşadasi (Turkey).
  • Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Ricman C., Mateiaşi G., Neagu M., Szobotka S., Duliu O.G., 2008. Dual energy X-ray computer axial tomography and digital radiography investigation of cores and other objects of geological interest. Engineering Geology, 101.
  • Iovea M., Neagu M., Duliu O., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Mateiaşi G. 2008. A dedicated on-board dual-energy computer tomograph. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation (In print). Megyessi I., Verdes G., Oaie Gh., Dragomir G. 1982. Serpentinitele de la Dealul Negru, munţii Sebeş (jud. Hunedoara). Monumente geologice ale naturii. Univ. Bucureşti, pag. 99 – 107.
  • Melinte M., Oaie Gh. 2008. Modificări paleobiotice şi paleoecologice în partea de NV a Mării Negre. GEOECOMARINA 14, Supliment 1– Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu (Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice a I.N.C.D. GEOECOMAR), p. 62-70
  • Opreanu G., Oaie Gh., Paun F. 2007. The dynamic significance of the grain size of sediments transported and deposited by the Danube. GEOECOMARINA, no. 13, p. 111 – 119
  • Panin N., Gomoiu M.T., Oaie Gh., Rădan S. 1996. Researches on the River Danube – Black Sea system carried out by the Romanian Center for Marine Geology and Geo-ecology during 1995 in the framework of the EROS. Project. GEO-ECO-MARINA, 1, 27 p. Bucureşti.
  • Popescu-Marinescu Virginia, Oaie Gh., 1996. Angaben über die zahlenmässige dichte und biomasse der benthischen wirbellosen in den stauseen eisernen tor I und II. 31, p. 261 – 266, Arbeitstagund der I.A.D., Band 1, Baja (Hungary).
  • Rădan S.C., Rădan M., Rădan S., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Mihăilescu N., 1996. Monitoring susceptibilimetric (faza 1995) în sistemul Dunăre – Delta Dunării; semnificaţii geoecologice. An. St. I.C.P.D.D., vol.V , 16 p., Tulcea.
  • Seghedi A., Berza T., Iancu V., Maruntiu M., Oaie Gh. 2005. Neoproterozoic terranes in the Moesian basement and in the Alpine Danubian nappes of the South Carpathians. Geologica Belgica (in print), 43 p., Ghent (Belgium).
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1986. Formaţiunea de Carapelit (Dobrogea de Nord): faciesuri şi structuri sedimentare. D.S.Inst.Geol., Geof. Ser.Geol., v. 70-71/4, 18 p., Bucureşti.
  • Seghedi A., Popa M., Oaie Gh., Nicolae I. 2001. The Permian system in România. NATURA BRESCIANA/An. Mus. Civ. Sc. Nat., MONOGRAFIA N. 25, p. 281 – 293, Brescia (Italy).
  • Seghedi A., Seghedi I., Szakacs Al., Oaie Gh., 1987. Relationships between sedimentation and volcanism during deposition of the Carapelit Formation (North Dobrogea). D. S. Inst. Geol., Geoph. Ser. Geol., V. 72 – 73 / 1, 18 p. Bucureşti.
  • Ungureanu Gh., Boian V., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Secrieru D., Dominik J., Loizeau J. L., Mihaescu R. 2008. Diwstribution of the sediment fill and associated pollutants in Băbeni reservoir, Vâlcea (România). GEOECOMARINA 14 – Proceedings of Swiss – Romanian Research Programme on Environmental Sicence and Technology, p. 37 – 48, Bucharest
  • Yanev S., Popa M., Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 2000. Overview of the Permian deposits in Bulgaria and Romania. Natura Bresciana, Ann. Mus. Civ. Sc. Nat. MONOGRAFIA N 25, p. 269 – 279. Brescia (Italy).

Lucrări publicate în rezumat extins

  • Oaie Gh., 1989. Trace fossils in the Bestepe Formation, North Dobrogea.CBGA,14th Congr. Extended abstracts volume, 5, 5 p.,Sofia (Bulgaria).
  • Oaie Gh., Florescu St., 2005. Mare Nigrum – The first Romanian multidisciplinary research vessel of Romania. GEOECOMARINA, no. 9 – 10, p. 143 – 147. Bucureşti
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., Szobotka St., Stănică Ad., Soare R. 2001. Pollution state of sediments dredged from the Sulina Distributary and their influence to the Danube Delta Front area.p. 37 – 41, GEOECOMARINA 4. Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., Seghedi A., Ioane D., Diaconescu M. 2006. Preliminary assessment of the tsunami hazard for the Romanian Black Sea area: historical and paleotsunami data. GEOSCIENCES 2006 Conference, p. 300 – 302, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • Oaie Gh., Melinte M. C. 2008. Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in the north-western part of the Black Sea basin. Conferinta SGR 2008, Bucureşti
  • Dimitriu R., Oaie Gh., Gomoiu M. T., Begun T., Szobotka St., Rădan S. C., Fulga C. 2008. Caracterizarea interdisciplinară a stării geoecologice a complexului lagunar Razelm – Sinoe la începutul sec. XXI. GEOECOMARINA 14, Supliment 1 – Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu (Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice a I.N.C.D. GEOECOMAR), pag. 70 – 75
  • Dimitriu R., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Sava C., Rădan S. C., Fulga C., Opreanu G. 2008. Cartarea hidrogeomorfologica a zonei litorale Sf. Gheorghe – Vadu. Primele rezultate ale cercetării integrate, geofizice-geoecologice realizate în cursul anilor 2005-2006. GEOECOMARINA 14, Supliment 1 – Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu (Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice a I.N.C.D. GEOECOMAR), pag. 75 – 80.
  • Dimitriu R., Seghedi A., Sava C., Oaie Gh. 2000 Geotectonic frame outlined by 3D interpretation of geophysical data in Danube Delta region. Romanian Geophysics, vol. 7, suppl. 1, p. 114 – 117. Bucureşti.
  • Dimitriu R., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Paraschiv G. 2003. An interdisciplinary geo-environmental approach og Golovita – Zmeica area (Danube Delta, Romania).The 4th Stephan Muller Conference “Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography”, Buta, p. 103 – 106.
  • Dimitriu R., Seghedi A., Ioane D., Oaie Gh., 2003. Deep structure of the foreland in the East Carpathian bend zone and the geological evolution of the Danube Delta basement. The 4th Stephan Muller Conference “Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography”, Buta, p. 107 – 110.
  • Duliu O., Iovea M., Neagu M., Oaie Gh., Ricman C. 2006. Dual-energy computer tomography and digital radiography investigation of metamorphic rocks ans unconsolidated sediments. An. Inst. Geol. Rom., nr. 74, IGR 100 Symposium. p. 52 – 55, Bucharest.
  • Jipa D., Oaie Gh. 2002. Geoecologia sistemelor marine, deltaice şi fluviale. Realizări şi perspective în cadrul centrului de excelenţă al GEOECOMAR. Proceedings – Centre de execelenta. Prog. Nat. Relansin. P. 203 – 208.
  • Mărunţeanu M., Jipa D., Mihăilescu N., Baltres A., Popescu Gh., Oaie Gh., Rădan S., Costea C. 2002. Stabilirea şi evaluarea potenţialului de nisipuri cuartoase în gresia de Kliwa dezvoltată între Valea Sucevei şi Valea Trotuşului. Sesiunea st. MENER 2002, p. 587 – 593.
  • Melinte M. C., Oaie Gh. 2008. Holocene biotic changes in the north-western Black Sea. In IGCP 521 – Black Sea – Mediterranean Sea corridor during the last 30 ky: Sea level change and human adaptation” (Extended abstracts, p. 115 – 117, Bucharest
  • Opreanu G., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., 2006. Grain size of the sediments from the littoral zone between Sf. Gheorghe and Gura Portita. Ann. Inst. Geol. Rom., nr. 74, IGR 100 Symposium. p. 164 – 166, Bucureşti
  • Panin N., Oaie Gh., Jipa D., Rădan S., Sava C., Ion G., Dimitriu R. 2006. Sedimentology and marine geology in the Geological Institute of Romania. Ann. Inst. Geol. Rom., nr. 74, IGR 100 Symposium. p. 168 – 171, Bucureşti
  • Secrieru D., Gomoiu M. T., Oaie Gh., 2006. Marine environmental assessment of the NW Black Sea area. GEOSCIENCES 2006 Conference, p. 288 – 291, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Raşcov M. M., Paraschiv V. 2008. Geological implications in the reconstruction of Greek citadels-harbours of the Black Sea. In IGCP 521 – Black Sea – Mediterranean Sea corridor during the last 30 ky: Sea level change and human adaptation” (Extended abstracts, p. 158 – 160, Bucharest Abstracte Oaie Gh. 1999 Deep marine sedimentation of the Histria Formation, Central Dobrogea (Romania). Rom. Jour. of Tectonics and Regional Geology, vol. 77, suppl. 1 Dobrogea – The interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone. Tulcea.
  • Oaie Gh., 2004. General presentation of the main issues regarding sustainable management opf the Danube River. Euro-EcoGeoCenter Romania – Environment problems of thee Lower River Danube, including the Danube Delta (Abstract volume), Bucharest.
  • Oaie Gh., Bondar C., Seghedi A., Diaconescu M. 2007. Marine hazard assessament in the Black Sea basin. Case study – tsunami phenomenon. National Symposium of Geology and Geophysics GEO 2007, Abstract volume, p. 21 – 22, Bucharest
  • Oaie Gh., Brustur T. 1999 Nereites ichnofacies in the Paleozoic of North Dobrogea. Rom. Jour. of Tectonics and Regional Geology, vol. 77, suppl. 1 Dobrogea – The interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone. Tulcea.
  • Oaie Gh., Melinte M. C., Secrieru D. 2005. Upper Holocene litho and biostratigraphy of the NW and SE Black Sea region. IESCA Colloquium (Abstract volume), p. 87 – 88, Izmir (Turkey).
  • Oaie Gh., Melinte M. 2008. Holocene biotical and sedimentological changes in the NW Black Sea. 33th Int. Geol. Congr., Oslo (Norway) Oaie Gh., Secrieru D. 2002. Sedimentation and sediment geochemisrty in north – western part of the Black Sea Basin. 16th International Sedimentological Congress, Abstract volume, p. 288, Johannesburg (South Africa)
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., 2002. Black Sea Romanian shelf: recent sedimentary processes and sediment geochemistry. Sesiunea SGR GEO 2002 (Volum abstracte), p. 32 – 33, Bucureşti
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D. 2004. Sedimentological and geochemical characteristics of the Danube Delta front and Danube prodelta. 32 th Geological International Congress, Abstract CD, Florence (Italy)
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., Szobotka St., Fulga C., Stănică Ad., 2005. Danube River: sedimentology, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the bottom sediments. Symposium – European Center of Excellence for Environmental and Geo-ecological Studies – Semi-enclosed European seas – interactions between major components. Abstract volume, p. 19 – 21, Snagov (România).
  • Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., 1992. Upper Paleozoic continental sedimentation in North Dobrogea (România). Terra abstracts, v. 49, no. 2, 2 p., Graz (Austria).
  • Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., 2004. Neoproterozoic evolution of the Moesian crust. 32 th Geological International Congress. Florence (Italy) Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., 2007. East Moesian Platform (Romania) – Neoproterozoic – Lower Cambrian Histria Formation: sedimentology and source areas. Second International Conference on the Geology of Tehtys. Abstract volume, p. 78. Cairo (Egypt)
  • Oaie Gh., Stanica Ad. 2008. Tsunami vs storm deposits along the Romanian Black Sea coast. 33th Int. Geol. Congr., Oslo (Norway) Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Ruzsa Gy., Dovlete C., Coman M., 1996 Geochronology and distribution of pollutants in barrage lake Iron Gates I (Romanian River Danube sector). An. Inst. Geol. Rom., v. 69, suppl.1, (abstracts), 2 p. Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Stănică A.,1998. Metale grele în apa şi sedimentele din Dunăre. Comparaţie 1995 – 1996. AQUAROM 98, 2 p., Galaţi. Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Secrieru D., Stãnicã A., Soare R., 1998. Pollutant impact of the River Danube on the Black Sea basin. 15 th International Sedimentological Congress (abstracts), 2 p., Alicante (Spain).
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Strechie C., Rãdan S.C., 2000. Environmental assessment and sediment quality from Portile de Fier I reservoir. Conferinţa BENA “Transboundary pollution”, Abstracts volume, p. 324 – 325, Bucureşti.
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Stãnicã A., Soare R., 2001. Pollutant imput from the sediments dredged from the Sulina Distributary (Danube River) onto the Black Sea shelf. Treatment 2000 Symposium and Exhibition, Istanbul (Turkey).
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., 2006. Sedimentation and sediment geochemistry in the northwestern part of the Black Sea basin.. Black Sea Ecosystem 2005 and Beyond (Abstract volume), p. 28-29. Istanbul (Turkey)
  • Oaie Gh., Secrieru D., 2006. North – Western Black Sea basin: new sedimentological and geochemical data (Results from GEF/UNDP Project – 2003 Cruise). 17th International Sedimentological Congress 2006, p. 367, Abstract Volume A. Fukuoka (Japan)
  • Dimitriu R., Anghel S., Oaie Gh. 1999 3 D interpretation of geophysical data within the Danube Delta. Abstract. 2nd Balkan Geophysical Congress. Ankara (Turkey).
  • Dimitriu R., Sava C., Oaie Gh., Anghel S., 1999. Deep geological structure of Danube Delta area as deduced by 3 D interpretation of geophysical data. Rom. Jour. Of Tectonics and Regional Geology, vol. 77, suppl. 1 Dobrogea – The interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone. Tulcea.
  • Dimitriu R., Sava C., Oaie Gh., Ioane D., Paicu G. 2002. Geological and geophysical mapping of the circum-littoral area corresponding to the North Dobrogea orogen. Ceres Programme. Annual scientific session. P. 253 – 254.
  • Duliu O., Iovea M., Neagu M., Oaie Gh., Mateiasi G. 2007. Dual energy computed tomography and digital radiography investigatin of the Black Sea unconsolidated sediments. Second International Conference on the Geology of Tehtys. Abstract volume, p. 24. Cairo (Egypt)
  • Gomoiu M. T., Secrieru D., Oaie Gh., Opreanu P., Paraschiv G., Begun T., Teaca A., Sosnovschi E. 2005. GEOECOMAR contributions to the understanding of the NW Black Sea ecosystems. Euro-EcoGeoCenter Romania – Workshop “Changing in the structure and functioning of the open seas ecosystems. Abstract volume. Snagov România.
  • Gomoiu M. T., Secrieru D., Oaie Gh., 2006. GEOECOMAR contributions to the understanding of the NW Black Sea ecosystems. Black Sea Ecosystem 2005 and Beyond (Abstract volume), P. 207. Istanbul (Turkey)
  • Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Duliu O.G., Bodale M., Mateiasi G., Neagu M., 2005. Single and Dual-energy X-ray Computer Tomography and Digital Radiography Investigation of Black Sea and Danube River Sedimentary Cores. MEDCOAST 05 Conference, Abstract volume, Antalia, Turkey.
  • Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Duliu O. G., Neagu M., Szobotka St. 2006. An on-board dual-energy X – ray computer tomograph: preliminary experiments and results. 17th International Sedimentological Congress 2006, p. 237, Abstract Volume B. Fukuoka (Japan)
  • Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Duliu O.G., Neagu M., Mateiasi G. 2006. ual energy computer tomography and digital radiography investigations on organic and inorganic materials. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference ENCDT, CD-ROM, Berlin, Germany
  • Iovea M., Neagu M., Duliu O.G., Oaie Gh., Ricman C., Mateiasi G. 2006. Digital radiography and X-ray computer tomography investigations of unconsolidated geological samples (Danube River, Danube Delta and Black Sea sediments). EGU 2006, Section A 03165, Geophysical Research, Abstract volume 8, p. 1607, Vienna (Austria)
  • Melinte M. C., Oaie Gh. 2007. Black sea basin: litho- and biostratigraphy of the Upper Holocene. National Symposium of Geology and Geophysics GEO 2007, Abstract volume, p. 20 – 21, Bucharest
  • Rãdan S., Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1994. Age and sedimentogenesis of gravel overlying Upper Proterozoic and Upper Jurassic formations of Central Dobrogea. Analele Univ. Buc., XLIII, 2 p., Bucureşti.
  • Rădan S., Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Costea C., Vanghelie I., 1994. Magnesian kutnahorite from Paleozoic siliceous rocks of the Tulcea Unit. Anal. Univ. Buc., Abstr., XLIII, 2 p., Bucureşti.
  • Rădan S.C., Rădan M., Rădan S., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., Mihăilescu N., 1996. Magnetic susceptibility as rock magnetic marker of pollutants in the Danube – Danube Delta environment. An.Geoph., part I, suppl.I, v.14, C 146 (abstract). Hague ( The Netherlands).
  • Rădan S.C., Rădan M., Rădan S., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., 1995. Magnetic susceptibility as geological indicator in the environmental context of the Danube Delta macrosystem. New Trends in Geomag. Trest (Czech Rep.).
  • Rădan S.C., Rădan M., Rădan S., Ganciu A., Szobotka St., Oaie Gh., 2000. Magnetic signature of sedimentary environments in fluvial – marine interaction zones. A case study: Danube – Black Sea. Geophysical Research (abstract), vol. 2, p. 201, Nice (France).
  • Rădan S.C., Rădan S., Oaie Gh., Szobotka St., 2004. Magnetic susceptibility as a sensitive proxy parameters for differentiating deltaic (lacustrine and fluvial) sedimentary environments; influences from the Danube Delta (Romania). 9 th Castle Meeting – Paleo, Rocks and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy. Vol. 34, pag. 117 – 119. Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
  • Rădulescu V., Oaie Gh. 2008. Application of the geoelectrical methods in the study of ancient tsunami
    deposits. 33th Int. Geol. Congr., Oslo (Norway)
  • Sava C.S., Dimitriu R., Ioane D., Oaie Gh. 2003. Structural significance of gravity and magnetic anomalies on the Black Sea Romania continental shelf. The 4th Stephan Muller Conference “Geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography”, Buta, p. 102 – 103.
  • Secrieru D., Oaie Gh., 2004. Geochemical and sedimentological characteristics of the MW Black Sea shelf. Euro-EcoGeoCenter Romania Symposium – The pollutants influxes into the semi-enclosed marine basins (Abstract volume). Bucharest.
  • Secrieru D., Oaie Gh. 2007. River Danube: heavy metals in the bottom sediments. National Symposium of Geology and Geophysics GEO 2007, Abstract volume, p. 31 – 33, Bucharest Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1993. Structural style along the Peceneaga – Camena strike-slip zone, Dobrogea (România). Terra Nova, 5, 32, 21 p. Graz (Austria).
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1994. Tectonic setting of two contrasting types of pre-alpine basement: North versus Central Dobrogea. ALCAPA II. Rom. Jour. Tect. Reg. Geol., 2 p. Covasna.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1994. Early Triassic shear zones in the variscan basement of North Dobrogea, România. An. Univ. Buc., XLIII, 1 p. Bucureşti.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1994. Petrofacies of the Carapelit Formation, North Dobrogea, Romania. An. Univ. Bucharest, XLIII, 1 p., Bucureşti.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1995. Upper Paleozoic retro-arc sedimentation in North Dobrogea. I.G.S.P. 369, 2nd. Annual Meeting and Fieldtrip. Comparative Evolution of Peri Tethyan Rift Basins Mamaia (România).
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., 1997. Sedimentology and petrography of sandstones in cover nappes in the central South Carpathians: constraints for geotectonic setting. In Grubic & Berza (eds) Geolgy of the Djerdap Area. Inst. Symp. Geol., 2 p. Donje Milanovecz – Bãile Herculane.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Ciulavu M., Costea C., Bunescu C. 1999. Carbonate neoformation related to postdepositional history of Late Proterozoic turbidites (Histria Formation, Central Dobrogea). Rom. Jour. of Miner., suppl. 1, Abstract volume, 1 p. Bucharest.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Rădan S., Costea C., Vanghelie I. 1993 Petrology of Paleozoic siliceous deposits of North Dobrogea. 2 nd Min. Rom. Congr., Timişoara.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Mărunţiu M., Nicolae I., Rădan S., Ciulavu M., Vanghelie I. 1996. Metamorphism in the South Carpathians and Apuseni Mountains: mineral associations and areal distribution. An. Inst. Geol. Rom., v. 69, suppl. 1, 2 p, Bucureşti.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Mărunţiu M., Ciulavu M., Rădan S., Vanghelie I., Şerbănescu A. 1996. Alpine metamorphism in the South Carpathians..An. Inst. Geol. Rom., v. 69, suppl. 1, p. 218 – 220, Bucureşti
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Rădan S., Ciulavu M., Vanghelie I., 1996. Alpine metamorphism in Romania. An. Inst. Geol. Rom., v. 69, suppl. 1, p. 221 – 222, Bucureşti.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Vanghelie I., 1997. Low temperature metamorphic minerals in Triassic basalts from North Dobrogea. Rom. Jour. Mineral., 78, suppl. 1, 2 p., Iaşi.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Rădan S. ,1999. Late Proterozoic – Early Cambrian turbidites from Central Dobrogea – provenance and significance (poster). Jour. Of Tectonics and Regional Geology, vol. 77, suppl. 1 Dobrogea – The interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone. Tulcea.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Rădan S., Codarcea V., 2000. Sources areas for Late Proterozoic turbidites from the Moesian Block. Joint meeting of EUROPROBE (TESZ Project), Abstracts volume, p. 75, Zakopane (Polonia).
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh. Stănică Ad. 2008. Natural hazards and anthropogenic threats in natural reserves along the Romanian Black Sea coast and the River Danube (Dobrogea). 33th Int. Geol. Congr., Oslo (Norway).
  • Seghedi A., Ciulavu M., Oaie Gh., Vanghelie I., Costea C. 1997. Studies of the Alpine metamorphism in Romanian Carpathians and North Dobrogea Orogen: the current status. Carpathian Balkan geological Association Commission on Metamorphism. 1 p. Budapest (Hungary).
  • Seghedi A., Ciulavu M., Oaie Gh., Rădan S. 1999. Hercynian deformation and very low grade metamorphism of the Paleozoic formations in North Dobrogea (poster). Jour. Of Tectonics and Regional Geology, vol. 77, suppl. 1 Dobrogea – The interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone. Tulcea.
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Popa M., 1998. Provenance of the Mesozoic clastic sediments from the South Carpathians, Romania. XVI nd CBGA Congress, 1 p., Viena (Austria).
  • Seghedi A., Ioane D., Oaie Gh., 1998. Review of geological and geophysical hypoteses on the TESZ in Romania. EUROPROBE TESZ Project. Praha (Czech Rep.).
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Teleman C., Ciulavu M., 2001. The Paleozoic basement of the North Dobrogea Orogen and Pre-Dobrogea Depression: comparative Variscan history based on the sedimentary and magmatic record. EUROPROBE Devonian – Triassic “Time – Slice” Symposium – Variscides – Craton – Uralides: linkage between orogenic and intraplate processes. 2 p. Moskow (Rusia)
  • Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Iordan M., Vaida M., 2001. Correlation of Vendian Basins along the Southern Margin of Baltica. Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE, TESZ, TIMPEBAR, URALIDE & SW IBERIA. Abstracts volume, 2 p. Ankara (Turcia). Seghedi A., Oaie Gh., Vaida M., 2005. Paleozoic evolution of the Moesian Platform, Romania: an overview. IESCA Colloquium (Abstract volume), p. 106 – 107. Izmir (Turkey).
  • Seghedi A., Berza T., Mărunţiu M., Iancu V., Oaie Gh., 2001. Late Proterozoic – Early Paleozoic Terranes in the Area of Moesia and Surrounding Orogenic Belts. Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE, TESZ, TIMPEBAR, URALIDE & SW IBERIA. Abstracts volume, 2 p. Ankara (Turcia).
  • SeghediA., Berza T., OaieGh., MărunţiuM., IancuV., 2003. Late Proterozoic-Early Cambrian Terranes in the Basement of Moesia and Surrounding Alpine Belts. Geol. Soc. America, Abstracts with Programs, Cordilleran Section, vol. 35, no.4, p. 11. Postere
  • Oaie Gh., Melinte M. C., Secrieru D., 2005. Upper Holocene litho- and biostratigraphy of the NW Black Sea basin. IESCA 2005, Izmir (Turkey)
  • Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., Brustur T. Gheuca I., 2004. Geosites from Romania under threat of anthropic activities. 32 th Geological International Congress. Florence (Italy)
  • Oaie Gh., 2004. Romanian Marine RT&D priorities (poster). EUROCEAN 2004 Conference. Galway (Ireland)
  • Oaie Gh., Szobotka st., Brustur T., 2000. Oceanographic research vessel Mare Nigrum. Sãptãmâna stiintei românesti SIR 2000. Bucureşti.
  • Iovea M., Oaie Gh., Duliu O. G., Neagu M., Szobotka St. 2006. An on-board dual-energy X – ray computer tomograph: preliminary experiments and results. 17th International Sedimentological Congress 2006, Fukuoka (Japan)
  • Panin N., Gomoiu M.T., Secrieru D., Oaie Gh., Rãdan S., Stãnicã A. 1999. On a long monitoring programme of the macro-, geo-, eco-system the lower Danube River, Danube Delta and NW Black Sea coast – between requirements and possibilities. Workshop, Brasenose College, Oxford University. Rădulescu V., Oaie Gh., 2008. Application of the geoelectrical methods in the study of ancient tsunami deposits. 33th Geological International Congress. Oslo (Norway)
  • Ungureanu Gh., Szobotka St., Oaie Gh., Garcia A., Dominik J., Loizeau J. L., Mihaescu R. 2007. Mercury distribution in the bottom sediments of the Olt river reservoirs, Romania. Bratislava (Slovacia)

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