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Alege limba: Romana
National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar

Project Management and Marketing

Manages the institute’s project portfolio by applying techniques and instruments specific to management of projects in a controlled environment management. By its activity the PMO, ensures directly the success of the projects along with implementation of best practices from the field, including those provided by ISO 9001.


  • The main objective of PMO is to create the certain institutional stage and environment that enable the management board to promote and implement projects compliant with the development strategy and at the declared quality standards.

Domenii de competenta

  • Initiation, start-up, implementation and closure of project in a controlled environment;
  • Identification and solving of routine project problems;
  • Evaluation of project risks that require intervention of institute’s management;
  • Monitoring of projects and reporting on status;
  • Enhancement of communication and of internal, inter-departmental support during project implementation;
  • Beneficiary/client interface;
  • Optimization of costs;
  • Enhancement of projects success and marketing of results.