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Studies on geology and evolution of the Black Sea and other marine zones in the World Ocean;
Geologic and sedimentological mapping of the Black Sea continental shelf;
Sediment investigation – grain size, mineralogy, chemistry, biology – in the Black Sea, littoral lakes, Danube Delta, Razim-Sinoie Lagoon Complex, Danube River and its main tributaries;
Studies on greenhouse gas emissions (CH4, N20, C02) in the wetlands of Danube – Danube Delta – Black Sea hydro-sedimentary geosystem;
Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental investigations, studies on the past and present geological and environmental impact of the climate and sea level changes;
Studies concerning anthropogenic activity effects on the fluvial, deltaic and marine aquatic and sedimentary ecosystems;
Water and sediment quality assessment in marine, fluvial and lacustrine environments; environmental pollution studies on heavy metals, organochloride compounds, hydrocarbon and other contaminants; ecotoxicological studies using algal bioassays etc.