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Alege limba: Romana
National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar



GeoEcoMarina is a scientific journal that appears annually starting with 1996. The journal publishes results of geological and geophysical research on ancient and modern marine and fluvial environment.

In order to ensure a high quality standard, the scientific papers are peer-reviewed. Therefore we are waiting to publish your scientific contributions. We are looking forward for your comments on papers already published that are freely available on our site.

ISSN: 2248–2776
ISSN-L: 1224–6808



Accepted articles, to be published in the 2020 issue

(Accepted, unedited articles published online and citable):

GeoEcoMar Books


GeoEcoMar Library

The goal of the techical library of NIRD GeoEcoMar is to establish, organize, develop and conserve the collection of books, journals and other specific documents, in order to facilitate their use for information and research.

Being a specialized library, it is destined to researchers in the field of geology and geoecology, as well as in related areas.Enter here for more details.

Scientific papers

Volumes for annual scientific sessions

Lucrari prezentate la sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice a GEOECOMAR