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Alege limba: Romana
National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar

Quality Management

Scope: Provides a basis for planning, implementing and maintaining Quality Management System in GeoEcoMar. It provides a basis for continuous improvement of performances. It demonstrates to interested parties the existing capabilities within the institute.


  • It ensures the conformity with quality criteria for scientific and technological activities performed by GeoEcoMar. These objectives are achieved by specific procedures, such as the planning of the quality policy and its goals. The planned quality activities are monitored, performed activities are evaluated and evaluation results are disseminated.

Competence area:

  • Implementing of the ISO 9001:2008 standard and its requirements, of legislation, regulations and other internal documents;
  • Drafting of the specific quality documentation;
  • Organizing, managing and performing quality control and assurance;
  • Promoting of an organizational culture for quality, focused mainly on prevention and improvement initiatives.