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Alege limba: Romana
National Institute for Research and Development on Marine Geology and Geo-ecology – GeoEcoMar

National Project ECO-BASE



ECO-BASE aims to develop prospective revenue streams and business models for CO2-EOR in South-Eastern Europe and, therefore, to support large scale CCUS deployment in the region. The project is carried out locally in three SEE countries: Turkey, Romania and Greece with support from TNO, the Netherlands and IRIS, Norway.

Project manager: Dr. Constantin SAVA


ECO-BASE will access EORStore potential through the following activities:

  • For Romania, Turkey and Greece, create an inventory of CO2 sources (potential capture projects) and sinks (potential sites for geological storage and for CO2 utilization through enhanced oil production with permanent storage);
  • Perform EORStore case studies as a reference for country-wide EOR potential assessment, identify and prepare solid business cases and CCUS revenue streams;
  • Set up country-based roadmaps for CCS, with a key accelerator role for CO2-EOR;
  • Organize knowledge transfer workshops for local CCS stakeholders.


The project firmly relies on existing experience of the project partners, their long-term collaboration through CO2GeoNet, bilateral agreements (Greece-Turkey) and on-going projects (e.g. H2020 ENOS).



The objective of ECO-BASE is to develop detailed and integrated roadmaps for CCUS, including EORStore, in South-East Europe. The roadmaps will be based on available data on sources and sinks and supported by state of the art optimization engineering and economic/tax modelling.

The project will analyse several emitter to end-user value chains and prospective revenue streams in Southern-East Europe by providing roadmaps as preparation for pilot applications, thereby lifting the storage and utilization components of the CCUS value chain in SEE to TRL 4-5.

The resulting roadmaps will include the way forward on technical, legal, economic and public levels for CCUS in general and EORStore specifically. The cases will also serve as an example for Europe-wide application of CCUS.


Expected results

  • Southeast European regional framework of physical and legal conditions for CCUS.
  • Potential opportunities for CO2-EOR as a measure to promote development of CO2 storage in the region.
  • Possible roadmaps for specific clusters (including sources, EOR and storage sites) in the region, including contingencies.
  • Site development plans, not necessarily fully optimised, but at higher level to show how storage and production are to be co-optimised.
  • Steps for building confidence / investment climate for CCS with a help of CO2-EOR.
  • Application for future NER procedure.
  • Steps for building public private partnerships.
  • Input to new regulations and incentives (e.g. revised tax models).