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Responsabil: Prof. Dr. Valentina Yanko-Hombach, Prof. Dr. Nicolae PANIN, Prof. Dr. Olena Smyntyna, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Celal Özdoğan, Prof. Dr. Tamara Yanina
Tematica / Obiective:
This Project will investigate the influence of environmental change on the development of humankind for the entire Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridor ["CORRIDOR"] that encompasses the Eurasian intercontinental basins of the Caspian, Black, Marmara, Aegean, and Eastern Mediterranean seas with their connecting straits and coasts. During the Quaternary, these basins were repeatedly connected and isolated from each other. This predetermined their environmental conditions and hydrologic regimes and imposed specific impacts on diverse biological populations, including humans inhabiting the coastal domains.
EUROFLEETS2 is the enhancement of EUROFLEETS1, with the aim of developing a new pan-European distributed infrastructure with common strategic vision and coordinated access to Research Vessels (RVs) and marine equipment. EUROFLEETS2 will furthermore undertake specific actions to consolidate research fleets’ organization, methodology and tools through operational initiatives (like virtual fleets) leading to more interoperable and cost effective European research fleets.
The EMODnet-Geology project is one of seven that bring together information on the Geology, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Bathymetry, Seabed Habitats, and Human Activities in the European marine environment. Each project assembles marine data, data products and metadata from a wide range of sources. In the EMODnet-Geology project the information made available to the network is principally provided by the project partners, although other organisations contribute to the geological mapping objectives in many of the participating countries.
Coastal areas concentrate vulnerability to climate change due to high levels of population, economic activity and ecological values. Because of that RISES-AM- addresses the economy-wide impacts of coastal systems to various types of high-end climatic scenarios (including marine and riverine variables). It encompasses analyses from global to local scales across the full range of RCPs and SSPs. It considers the still significant uncertainties in “drivers” (physical and socio-economic) and coastal system responses (e.g. land loss or uses, biological functions, economic productivity) within a hazard-vulnerability-risk approach
Reducing flood risks is one of the most pressing challenges facing European coastal managers. Sea level rise, climate change and increasing coastal populations, intensify this challenge, demanding innovative approaches towards coastal management.
Vegetated foreshores naturally defend against coastal flooding and erosion. This means that conserving and restoring natural coastal ecosystems can play an important role in reducing flood risks, and is increasingly becoming a cost-effective flood defence solution.
FAST is a multi-disciplinary project that aims to provide answers to these questions. Using a combination of remote sensing and field data from foreshores in four different EU countries (The Netherlands, UK, Romania and Spain), FAST will look at how specific characteristics of vegetated foreshores affect wave energy and erosion and develop novel ways to get the information needed from satellite images, so as to predict shoreline protection.
Scema de finantare: Contractor’s Tender MARE/2012/10-Lot 3
Bugetul total al proiectului: -
Contributia financiara a UE: -
Durata: 36 luni
Data inceperii: 1 ianuarie 2013
Data finalizarii: 31 decembrie 2015
Coordonator: -
Parteneriat: -
Responsabil: Dr. Gheorghe Oaie
Tematica / Obiective:
The overall objective of this project is to assess the impact of pollution resulting from industrial activities on the environment (water, sediment, biota - primary producers in aquatic ecosystems) and human health, both locally as well as regionally.
The overall scientific objectives of PERSEUS are to identify the interacting patterns of natural and human-derived pressures on the Mediterranean and Black Seas, assess their impact on marine ecosystems and, using the objectives and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive as a vehicle, to design an effective and innovative research governance framework based on solid scientific knowledge
The aim of this project is develop new instruments and tools that will enhance environmental research and promote innovation in Danube Region, including the Danube Delta and the Black Sea. Importantly, the new instruments and tools do not start ab initio but will build on existing projects – covering multiple source of funding (public, private or PPP), whether national, regional or European – which will be identified and clustered. The project will undertake a critical analysis of what has been achieved so far in the region and will build upon results of achievements to-date, to design innovative solutions to strengthen knowledge transfer in this area. This will be achieved by gathering top level representatives of the academia and business communities as well as decision makers, specialized in various sectors of integrated management of the Danube –Black Sea macrosystem.
Descoperirea și identificarea patrimoniului cultural submarin comun, cu o istorie de mii de ani;- Promovarea potențialului istoric comun - foarte atractiv în zilele noastre la nivel mondial, dar încă puțin cunoscut și puțin implementat în zona Constanța – Kaliakra; - Promovarea descoperirilor astfel încât să devină atracții turistice durabile în zona Constanța – Kaliakra, cum ar fi: istoria submarină și turism de aventură, scuba diving (care implică, de asemenea, îmbunătățirea gradului de conștientizare asupra mediului înconjurător și a patrimoniului istoric
Building the information basis for a more coherent and comparable joint implementation of the MSFD in Bulgaria and Romania; Capacity building activities in the region with the view to sterenghtening the administrative and technical capabilities in Bulgaria and Romania for joint MSFD implementation.
The EMODnet-Bathymetry portal is being developed in the framework of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) as initiated by the European Commission. It provides services for discovery and requesting access to bathymetric data (survey data sets and composite DTMs) as managed by an increasing number of data providers from government and research.
The co-ordinated and integrated approach of HYDRALAB aims at structuring the access to unique and costly hydraulic and ice engineering research infrastructures in the European Research Area. The network of HYDRALAB is unique in the hydraulic research community and has large experience in co-operating since its start in 1997. It began by informing and co-ordinating the activities of the partners in HYDRALAB I and II, and via strong collaboration in HYDRALAB III we will now realize further integration of our research services in Europe in HYDRALAB IV. Over the course of 10 years our network has grown from 8 participants in 1997 to a total of 30 partners and associated partners from 15 countries today.
In recent years, ports are the hub-point of the Core Regional Transport Networks, as precursors for the Trans-European Transport network (TEN-T) in the South East Europe (SEE). In this direction, a great responsibility was entrusted to Port Authorities to which the Control and the real application of the Environmental Management System (EMS) have been appointed. Being the nodes that ensure the environmental sustainability of the intermodal transport networks, Port Authorities were entrusted with the management of the public area in which a lot of external enterprises operate ensuring the economic development of the cities and their environmental quality.
There are two steps to ensure the sustainable development of the sea-corridors: the first one is to work on the sustainability of the process - the implementation of common policies creating same opportunities in the involved countries and not affecting the concurrency among ports. The second one is to verify the quality of the process results. The second step is harder to be achieved because of the difficulty in defining the linkage between the implemented processes and the foreseen results.
This consideration makes necessary to follow up the step-by-step process, monitor intermediate results and identify the critical points in order to modify, in the long term, the implemented programs through a closed chain approach.
The involvement of all stakeholders who manage activities related to ports is necessary in order to have timely responses and shared possible solutions in a peer relationship with Port Authorities.
The present project, which enlarges the existing network established among the ECOPORT 8 ports, is focused on the creation of a permanent discussion platform organized in two levels: - the first one among the port authorities aimed at establishing common rules, and - the second one between individual ports and the stakeholders operating within each port area aimed at verifying the process results and proposing amendments of the environmental protocols in the long term.
The project is funded by ERDF: European Regional Development Fund in proportional 85%, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism - 13% and GeoEcoMar - 2%
-it will provide a tool for interconnection of scientific community and Policy Makers, setting thus the framework for the practical implementation of several actions and initiatives concerning the mitigation of the impact of global changes in the Black Sea region.
The overall goal of the Project Consortium is to support efforts to protect and restore the environmental quality and sustainability of the Black Sea. The additional specific objectives of this project are:
To improve availability and quality of chemical and biological data to provide for integrated assessments of the Black Sea state of environment, including pressures and impacts (in line with Annex I and III of the MSFD);
To increase number and size of protected areas in the Black Sea as well as to increase their degree of protection;
To enhance stakeholders participation and public awareness on environmental issues.
The project will contribute:
To improving regional cooperation and agreements implementation for the protection of the Black Sea, in particular, the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution (the Bucharest Convention), focusing on the alignment of partner countries' policies and strategies sensu MSFD and WFD;
To development of national integrated monitoring programs in line with the MSFD and WFD;
To improved research and increase in knowledge on the state of the Black Sea and common understanding of GES toward development of environmental targets in a harmonised approach;
To strengthened capacities of relevant organizations for monitoring (focus on biodiversity, habitats) in the Black Sea (via training and other capacity building measures) taking into consideration the requirements of the MSFD and WFD;
To strengthened capacities of relevant organizations to identify, designate, and manage protected areas;
To development of new protected areas;
To improved stakeholders involvement and public awareness.
Imbunatatirea metodelor de identificare a cianobacteriilor si toxinelor cianobacteriene in scopul cresterii eficientei sistemelor de monitoring si de combatere a poluarii apelor costiere ale Marii Negre.
Implementation of an integrated early-warning system accompanied by a common decision-support tool, and enhancement of regional technical capability, for the adequate detection, assessment, forecasting and rapid notification of natural marine geohazards of risk to the Ro-Bg Black Sea cross-border area.
EUROFLEETS is a project that aims at bringing together the owners of existing european research fleet to improve their coordination and promote efficient use of their facilities in order to support effective provision of research services for monitoring and sustainable management of seas and regional oceans.
Cercetari marine asupra starii si evolutiei ecosistemelor marine cu efecte asupra dezvoltarii socio-economice a tarilor riverane marilor din sudul Europei (Marea Neagra, Marea Mediterana)
ECOPORT 8 aims to improve the quality of ports, placing the prevention of pollution and preservation of natural resources in port areas and nearby coastal zones as pivotal to the maritime system. The project is to carry out studies, tests and provide services, attempting to define the basis for environmental port certification. Such actions are to take into account the productive needs of ports and EU and national standards in force and create pilot monitoring systems.
ECOPORT involves PAN-EU corridor 8 ports, integrating existing international dialogue on developments in maritime traffic docking in ports, with a common environmental policy aimed at defining shared standards. In this way it is possible to guarantee the overcoming of non-physical barriers and develop healthy and eco-sustainable competition.
The project is funded by ERDF: European Regional Development Fund in proportional 85%, Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism - 13% and GeoEcoMar - 2%
Realizarea unei programe universitare moderne privind managementul resurselor de apa si a zonelor umede, pentru studentii masteranzi si doctoranzi din Europa de Est
Efectuarea de inregistrari seismice in doua perimetre reprezentative: zona de varsare a Bratului Sfantu Gheorghe si Lacurile Razim si Golovita in vederea cunoasterii structurii morfo-sedimenare
The Project will identify groups of putatively interconnected MPAs in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas, shifting from local (single MPA) to regional (Networks of MPAs) and basin (network of networks) scales. The identification of physical and biological connections with clear the proceses that govern patterns of biodiversity distribution. This will enhance policies of effective environmental management, also to ascertain if the existing MPAs are sufficient for ecological networking and to suggest how to design further protection schemes based on effective exchanges between protected areas. The coastal focus will be widened to off shore and deep sea habitats, comprising them in MPAs Networks. These activities will also individuate areas where Offshore Wind Farms migth become established, avoiding too sensitive habitats but acting as stepping stones through MPAs. Socioeconomic studies will integrate to knowledge-based environmental management aiming at both environmental protection(MPAs) and clean energy production(OFW). Current legistations are crucial to provide guidelines to find legal solutions to problems on the use of maritime space. Two pilot project (one in the Mediterranean Sea and one in the Black Sea) will test in the field the assumptions of theoretical appproaches. The Project covers a high number of Countries and involves researchers covering a vast array of subjects, developing a timely holistic approach and integrating the Mediterranean and Black Seas scientific communities through intense collective activities and a strong communication line with stakeholders and the public at large.